
PHP library for accessing iFormBuilder API Version 6

Primary LanguagePHP

iFormBuilder api Version 6 (v60)

Coverage Status

PHP library to interact with iFormBuilder api v60 resources

  • Start interacting with api quickly (includes generating access tokens)
  • Provides familiar ORM layer for mapping iFormBuidler resources
  • Utilize v60 features

Getting Started

Add credentials to Auth interfaces


interface Auth {
     * client key
    CONST CLIENT = "";
     * secret key
    CONST SECRET = "";
     * Oauth endpoint
    CONST OAUTH = "https://yourserver.iformbuilder.com/exzact/api/oauth/token";


interface Profile {
     * client id : profile id assigned in api apps
    CONST ID = "111111";
     * server :  "https://YOURCOMPANYSERVER.iformbuilder.com/"
    CONST SERVER = "https://server.iformbuilder.com/";


Use zerion_autoload.php. If using composer, include composer autoload.php

require_once 'zerion_autoload.php';

Loading resources via container

use Iform\Resources\IformResource;

$pageResource = IformResource::page();
$optionListResource = IformResource::optionList();
$profileResource = IformResource::profile();
$userResource = IformResource::user();

Following will require a parent identifier

use Iform\Resources\IformResource;

$pageId = 123123;
$recordResource = IformResource::record($pageId);
$elementsResource = IformResource::elements($pageId);

$optionListId = 12312345;
$optionsResource = IformResource::options($optionListId);

##Interacting with API single resource methods

use Iform\Resources\IformResource;
$pageResource = IformResource::page()

//single page
$pageId = 123123;
$page = $pageResource->fetch($pageId);

$values = ['name' => 'new_test'];
$pageResource->update($pageId, $values);


//create page
$values = ['name' => 'test', 'label' => 'This is a test'];
$nid = $pageResource->create($values);

//all methods consist for attributes
$values = [
        "language_code"=> "es",
        "label"=> "inspección de la construcción"


collection methods

//collection of all pages in profile

//filter pages by type

//return first 25 pages 

//require all fields

//fetch all email alerts for page
$pageId = 123123;

//fetch all callbacks for page
$pageId = 123123;

//fetch all localizations for page
$pageId = 123123;

//fetch assignments for page
$pageId = 123123;