
An API to get the status of some containers and a simple way to start, stop, or restart them using other application such has discord bot

Primary LanguagePython

Docker API


📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

This project is a simple API written in python allowing to get the status of docker containers and to do various classical actions on them such as start them, stop them, or restart them.

I'm currently using this API with a discord bot to manage game servers.

Eventually, this API will be updated to work in a kubernetes cluster while keeping this goal of interraction with containers.

This API is also secured with JWT tokens

ℹ Informations

We use gitmoji for our commit messages

Technologies we use

  • Python - Programming Language
  • MariaDB - To store every data
  • Docker - To deploy this api
  • JWT - To secure api access

Python Librairies

  • Flask - To create the web server
  • SQLAlchemy - To manage database using python
  • Alembic - For database migrations
  • Docker - To create interface with docker api and python

▶️​ How to run ?

If you want to put this application into production. Run docker-compose : docker-compose up -d

✍️ Authors