
CELL Wallet telegram Bot

Primary LanguagePython

Cell Mega Wallet Bot

Cell Wallet Bot

Register Here : CellWallet

Jika anda suka Alat kami Bergabung dengan komunitas kami Gratis untuk diskusi dan update lebih cepat dan lebih banyak Alat lain nya

Komunitas kami di Discord dan Telegram


Install with python

  1. Download Python 3.10+
  2. Install Module (pip install requests colorama)
  3. Buka Bot Cell Wallet di PC (Telegram Web / Desktop)
  4. Jika sudah terbuka > Klik kanan Inspect
  5. Di Application > Session Storage > https://cell-frontend.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  6. __telegram__initParams > tgWebAppData copy valuenya (query_id atau user=)
  7. Paste di token.txt (Multi akun enter untuk akun berikutnya)
  8. python cell.py


  • Auto Upgrade
  • Auto Claim daily
  • Auto Click
  • Multi Account



Cell Mega Wallet Bot

Cell Wallet Bot

Register Here : CellWa

If you like our Tool Join our community Free for faster discussion and updates and more other Tools

Our community on Discord and Telegram


Install with python

  1. Download Python 3.10+
  2. Install Module (pip install requests colorama)
  3. Open Cell Wallet Bot on PC (Telegram Web / Desktop)
  4. If it is open > Right click Inspect
  5. In Application > Session Storage > https://cell-frontend.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  6. __telegram__initParams > tgWebAppData copy value (query_id or user=)
  7. Paste in token.txt (Multi account enter for the next account)
  8. python cell.py


  • Auto Upgrade
  • Auto Claim daily
  • Auto Click
  • Multi Account