Thanks for trying FlappyX16! I've worked very hard to make this a polished gaming experience for the Commander X16 retro computer. I've put attention to details to make this version of the game as close to the original IOS experience as possible, but with a few added difficulty levels so that you can either have an easier time learning to get that birdie through the gaps, or give yourself a real challenge. Just press anything to play. It's really that simple! On the title screen, you can either press 1-4 to select the difficulty level you wish to play, or press select on the joystick. (don't forget to run the emulator with -joy1 SNES in order to support real joysticks) Included in the game is the hidden "Dark Souls" difficulty level. It's available right from the start, but it might take you a few seconds to figure out how to select it. My personal best times: Wimpy (infinity) (I quit at 330) Standard 132 Hard / Brutal (I forget) Dark Souls 4 See if you've got what it takes to beat the dev! Once I clean up the build environment and remove any stray commented-out code, etc, I plan to publish the github repository so anyone interested can see how it was done. Again, thanks for playing my adaptation of Flappy Bird! -- ZeroByte