
ZK Balance change explorer

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a NodeJS app that polls github for ZK commits, and calculates balance changes introduced by each commit (using black magic and lua shell-outs). This information is presented in an AngularJS frontend for easy viewing



You will need:

Getting Started

With your tools in hand, we head to the terminal:

$ git clone https://github.com/kaen/zk-balance.git
$ cd zk-balance
$ npm install .
$ sudo npm install -g sails

If everything runs smoothly, we just need to bootstrap the Github data.

Bootstrapping Github Data
  1. Copy config/github.coffee.example to config/github.coffee
  2. Edit config/github.coffee to contain your github login
  3. run sails c, which will print a picture of a sailboat and bring you to the SailsJS prompt.
  4. At the prompt enter: github.refreshGithubData()
  5. You should see units being loaded, followed by commit data and balance change crunching.
  6. Allow this to run for a bit (10-20 minutes is ideal, it may take an hour or more to complete by itself)
  7. Hold Ctrl+C to kill sails when you get bored (pkill -9 -f node may be necessary on slow rigs)
  8. All set! Now type sails lift and go to http://localhost:1337/ to start hacking :)


To test locally in an environment identical to the production server, install Docker and simply run:

$ ./ops/run-in-docker.sh

Then use docker ps to see which port Docker was bound to. Data is automatically refreshed in the production environment.

Static Build

This project can be built statically. You will need to have grunt and lua somewhere in your $PATH. You may also need to configure config/github.coffee as shown in config/github.coffee.example if you are fetching unit data frequently.

grunt fetch --prod
grunt static --prod

The results can be found in www/. Due to the use of XHR, the build currently only runs behind some sort of webserver (i.e. testing via file:// will fail).

Further Reading

You may want to read up on the stack:

  • NodeJS
  • SailsJS
  • AngularJS
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Waterline
  • Bluebird