unified minecraft modding environment.
remap fg2+ era at's back to notch (fixing mc 1.7+)remap user at's to notchauto disable combined on <=1.2.5figure out, why modloader not launching in dev due to classpath path instead of jar path
Refactor, refactor, refactorFG3+ support (>1.12.2)test user AT supportfix fg3 versions of 1.12.2fabric aw supportcombined jar support : forge 1.13+ does this, do with the rest- fix split jars on fg3
figure out how to get forge to recognise resources as part of the dev mod- split fg2+ out of the mc jar
- figure out how to do automated testing
- figure out how to determine the correctness of remap output
- aka automate the verification that versions work
- list of versions to verify
- 1.17.1
- 1.16.5
- 1.13.2
- 1.12.2
- 1.8.9
- 1.7.10
- 1.6.4
- 1.5.2
- 1.3.2
- 1.2.5
- 1.7.3
- b1.3_01
- a1.1.2_01
- list of versions to verify
- maybe by hash check?
- figure out what versions need
to not randomly crash, this should really be part of the legacy mc version.json, or at least betacraft's, but it's not make myself a maven to host this on: https://maven.wagyourtail.xyzfix forge mappings on 1.17+mixin supportadd parchment mappings support
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'xyz.wagyourtail.unimined' // I'm using it from buildSrc, so I don't need a version, you probably do
group 'com.example'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
// debug, puts some things in build/unimined instead of ~/.gradle/caches/unimined
unimined.useGlobalCache = false
// when targetting main the first arg is optional
// unimined.minecraft {
unimined.minecraft(sourceSets.main) {
// defaults to combined on 1.3+ so you don't need to set this one
side "combined"
version "1.14.4"
mappings {
/* helper declarations - intermediary/searge are auto added by fabric/forge */
// intermediary()
// searge()
// retroMCP()
// yarn(1)
// parchment("1.19.3", "2022.12.18")
// mcp("stable", "39+1.12")
// these will auto-resolve with the first available from your declared mappings
devNamespace "mojmap"
devFallbackNamespace "intermediary"
// specify modloader
fabric {
accessWidener "src/main/resources/whatever.aw"
loader "0.14.18"
// set these ones to target fabric versions without intermediaries
customIntermediaries = true
prodNamespace "official"
devMappings = null
forge {
forge "28.2.26"
accessTransformer "src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg"
mixinConfig "modid.mixins.json"
// other options available, see PatchProviders
mods {
// auto-genned, default to `configuration.${sourceSet.name}ModImplementation` (or just modImplementation if main),
// these are additive, so always has at least this configuration
remap(configurations.modImplementation) {
// optional, these are auto-set
namespace "intermediary"
fallbackNamespace "intermediary"
remapAtToLegacy = true // auto set to value in forge provider
mixinRemap("unimined") // default value is none, this value does full mixin remapping for dev... may be necessary for run configs in some envs
remapper {
// tiny remapper settings
// if you have multiple, and they have the same config,
// use a list of configurations so they can remap together for speed reasons
// the configurations can be different, just the options in remap the same
remap([configurations.a, configurations.b]) {
// stuff
minecraftRemapper.config {
// tiny remapper settings
// this is default value when sourceSet main...
// would bind a remapJar task after jar
// this one is custom
remap(jar, "customRemap") {
// these can be config'd here, but don't need to be. they can be configured below
runs {
// off = true // disable runs
config("client") {
jvmArgs += ["-Dexample.arg=true"]
dependencies {
// these get prepended with the sourceSet name for the mc config
modImplementation "mod:identifier:stuff"
include "mod:identifier:stuff"
modImplementation "other:mod:stuff"
remapJar {
// basically don't need to change anything here, but you can do things like set the classifier
customRemap {
// extra remap after jar, can be used for second other-mapped output for
// more complicated stuff
prodNamespace "official"