
UI for manging Restic backups across multiple servers

Primary LanguageGo

In active development - not yet stable


Tergum is a UI for manging Restic backups across multiple servers by deploying agents to each server of interest. The goal is to have a central place to interact with everything Restic.


No grand reason; a friend of mine asked if there was a UI for it, and a quick search didn't turn much up on it. I was personally interested in this as my own setup uses multiple VMs to seperate some of my things, but I'm intersted in having constent backups on all of them.

And another project to potentially learn something is always enough to trigger me, even if it's just another project for the personal pile.


Progress tergum-progress

Following development

While the repo is public I'm still only developing on it myself, and afterwards welcome any PRs that might come. Feel free to open issues labeled as enhancement if you have any idea you want added or want to add yourself, but checkout the planned features below.

You can follow the progress and planned features on the Projects page.