
Just a script to monitored elastic endpoint on the internet and use that information to check whether the data is public and exposed

Primary LanguagePython

Elasticsearch Crawler

After you found the target ELK -> which by using censys and shodan to actually crawl from them, mostly that Elasticsearch instance is on port 9200 and Kibana is using nghinx and host on port 5601, by crafting an query on censys for both of these

-> we can find an IP address, and input it into this tool to actually crawl from them

You may ask why should I do this, is it the Elastic has already block this type of action, by access elasticsearch instance by using http://ipaddress:port/_cat/indices?v, Yes I do aware of such thing but here a thing, most likely the guy who configure ELK stack will make a mistake and when those mistake happen, we will be on the first ship to warn them or to get the data from them,

Threat Actor do make mistake, hunting for their ELK stack is also viable


I will insert flowchart or control flow soon

Installation and Configuration

If you are on Mac you would use brew to install

brew install masscan

Install python dependancy

pip3 install -r requirement.txt

Running the scripts

chmod +x scan.sh