A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon implementation native to flutter using the flutter_blue
Current implementation status:
Protocol | Android | iOS* |
iBeacon | Yes | ? |
AltBeacon | No | No |
EddystoneUID | Yes | ? |
EddystoneEID | Yes | ? |
EddystoneTLM (Unencrypted) | No | No |
EddystoneTLM (Encrypted) | No | No |
EddystoneURL | No | No |
- iOS code are not tested, feel free to test it for me and report any problems.
- I have heard that iBeacon scans on iOS are not possible without using native APIs, if this is true, then iBeacon support for iOS in this library will be impossible since this library conducts low-level BLE scans and then translates it according to beacon protocols.
Feel free to contribute and add support to more protocols!
A good start for implementing Eddystone: https://github.com/evothings/cordova-eddystone
A good start for implementing iBeacon: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18906988/what-is-the-ibeacon-bluetooth-profile
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