
A tool for managing CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


challtools is a tool that manages CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec challenge format.


To install or upgrade challtools, use pip:

pip3 install --upgrade challtools



challtools can initialize a directory with a challenge template for you. To get a template PHP challenge simply run:

$ challtools init php 
Directory initialized!
$ tree

├── challenge.yml
└── container
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── index.php

1 directory, 3 files


challtools includes an OpenChallSpec validator. To validate that a challenge complies with the spec, run challtools validate in the challenge directory:

$ challtools validate
No issues raised.
Validation succeeded. No issues detected!


challtools can build docker containers and run build scripts defined in the challenge config for you. Running challtools build with a container defined in the configuration will build that container:

$ challtools build
Flag: example{this_is_the_flag}
Processing container default...
Interpreting "container" as an image build directory
Building image...
Challenge built successfully!

Any solution containers will also be built in the same way.

challtools can also run custom build scripts, defined by adding something like this to the challenge config:

  build_script: build.sh

This will run the build.sh file before any containers are built with the flag as a command line argument, allowing the flag to be inserted programmatically into the challenge. This eliminates any flag mismatches arising from the flag being defined in multiple places.


challtools can start challenges for you. This is done by running challtools start in the challenge directory, with the optional -b flag to rebuild containers:

$ challtools start
Started container default
nc 50000


If a challenge solution is defined, challtools can verify that the challenge is solvable by automatically solving it. It does this by first building the challenge, starting it, starting the solution docker container and checking for if it outputs a flag. This is done using challtools solve:

$ challtools solve
Started container default

Challenge solved successfully!


challtools includes many other useful commands:

$ challtools --help
usage: challtools [-h] {allchalls,validate,build,start,solve,compose,ensureid,push,init,spoilerfree} ...

A tool for managing CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec

positional arguments:
    allchalls           Runs a different command on every challenge in this ctf
    validate            Validates a challenge to make sure it's defined properly
    build               Builds a challenge by running its build script and building docker images
    start               Starts a challenge by running its docker images
    solve               Starts a challenge by running its docker images, and procedes to solve it using the solution container
    compose             Writes a docker-compose.yml file to the challenge directory which can be used to run all challenge services
    ensureid            Checks if a challenge has a challenge ID, and if not, generates and adds one
    push                Push a challenge to the ctf platform
    init                Initialize a directory with template challenge files
    spoilerfree         Pretty print challenge information available for participants, for test solving

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


challtools supports shell autocomplete through argcomplete. To use it, either activate global completion or enable it manually for bash, zsh or fish (remember to replace my-awesome-script with challtools).