
Implementation of ROS to receive and process information from several sensors and send orders to actuators.

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of ROS to receive and process information from several sensors and send orders to actuators.

To communicate the control messages it uses a geometry_msgs::Twist format as the following:

Build the node:

This node was made for [ROS Kinetic](ROS Kinetic), and tested in an environment using gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9).

In order to build the executable node the next steps are suggested:

  1. Make the root folder miniROSCar a catkin workspace,
    • Go to the miniROSCar and execute catkin_make
  2. Wait until the building process is finished and execute source devel/setup.bash now the node is ready to run.

Run the node

The standard notation package and node is enough to run the node...

  1. roscore
  2. rosrun kontrollieren kontrol_trajectory_node

How to use it

The node subscribes to three signals from different sensors, thanks to the wrapping facilities of ROS it's just a matter of asking to the correct topics. Wich in this case will be three:

  • "/turtle1/cmd_vel" (geometry_msgs::Twist robot_position)
    • This one is special, it's a node from the turtle sim package which listens to a given input on the keyboard.
  • "/ultrasound" (sensor_msgs::Range robot_positionRange)
  • "/imu" (sensor_msgs::Imu robot_positionImu)

The node publishes the control signals (which go direct into another node inside an arduino to control two actuators in a little car).

  • geometry_msgs::Twist command_msg (geometry_msgs::Twist in the topic "/kontrolliert")

Additional notes:

The format of the control signal is the following:

For geometry_msgs::Twist using:

The node frome turtlesim needed is:

rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

To change the "mode of operation" of the car (from manual control to following and object) is:

rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]'