
coronaview shell script

Primary LanguageShell


corona status view shell script. table, list and lingle line output.

  1. clone web-data branch from https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19.git to temp folder
  2. parse intresting list countrie data and show it in terminal.


CSSE at Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/blob/web-data/data/cases_country.csv

help output

-- ujo.guru terminal-corona help -----------------------------------
usage:		 terminal-corona [command|Country]
 status              all interesting (hard coded) countries
 table               some kind of table view
 short <Country>     one line statistics
 view <interval>     table vie of all countries, updates
                     hourly (or input amount of seconds)
 web                 open web view in source github page
	 terminal-corona status
	 terminal-corona Estonia
	 terminal-corona view 10

screen shot
