- 1
Search by barcode
#366 opened by draxaris1010 - 0
Pre-fill transaction from URL-parameters
#229 opened by redfast00 - 0
Include the popup modal in Tab itself
#218 opened by TomNaessens - 1
Add a paginated transactions API endpoint
#114 opened by TomNaessens - 2
API endpoint to get incoming/outgoing requests
#175 opened by redfast00 - 0
Allow Zeus user to send requests through API
#111 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Link to Tab-top up on site
#206 opened by redfast00 - 2
Configuring a warning email
#27 opened by ninewise - 2
Order users by debt on index
#123 opened by redfast00 - 0
na een transactie als Zeus te maken niet naar persoonlijke dashboard geredirect worden
#153 opened by SammyDelanghe - 0
- 0
Don't show insufficient funds warning for penning
#150 opened by TomNaessens - 0
- 0
- 2
dot can't be used as comma in a transaction
#25 opened by tivervac - 1
Allow Zeus user to send requests through UI
#110 opened by TomNaessens - 3
Document API routes
#90 opened by redfast00 - 11
Pull out API routes in separate controller
#95 opened by TomNaessens - 1
Add a License
#92 opened by TomNaessens - 2
Sort users by hamming distance to entered string when creating a new transactions
#126 opened by redfast00 - 8
Provide API access to usernames
#97 opened by niknetniko - 0
- 0
Remove push notifications
#100 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Minimize javascript
#108 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Introduce Rubocop
#113 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Add confirmation to reset key
#103 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Add copy to clipboard to API key
#104 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Switch to capistrano-asdf
#102 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Fix amount of euro's in /users view
#106 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Fix public API
#109 opened by TomNaessens - 2
Alert amount
#26 opened by ninewise - 3
Enable penning to automate money transfers
#62 opened by TomNaessens - 3
Tab has rounding errors
#94 opened by feliciaan - 3
Transaction view incorrect
#24 opened by tivervac - 0
Bank API integration
#81 opened by redfast00 - 4
Case insensitive match for a person
#43 opened by Jan-PieterBaert - 7
#28 opened by rien - 1
Useful notification counter for Zeus
#73 opened by redfast00 - 0
Generate API token when a user is created
#60 opened by Jan-PieterBaert - 0
Fix page not completely loading on transactions page
#39 opened by rien - 1
Transaction listing is broken, nothing displayed
#57 opened by wschella - 2
Cannot mark notification as read
#49 opened by fbegyn - 2
Add favicon
#44 opened by Jan-PieterBaert - 0
- 0
Users can approve their own requests
#51 opened by TomNaessens - 0
Replace google charting library
#42 opened by redfast00 - 7
Propagate sign out to OAuth server
#40 opened by rien - 0
- 1
Add button to change product category.
#22 opened by tl3ilaxu - 0
No total balance.
#17 opened by tl3ilaxu