
Crypto Collectible NFT Tutorial with ERC-721 Tokens

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NFT Color Demo Project

This project is implemented following DApp Univrsity's Youtube tutorial.

I made the following updates:

  • Change all solidity smart contract to version ^0.8.0
  • My node version: 16.13.0

Configure the following environment before running this tutorial:

  • Install Ganache. This gives us a local ETH chain for our experiments.
  • Install MetaMask chrome extension, for our ETH wallet. Configure this ETH wallet to import an address (private key) from Ganache.
  • Install truffle: npm install -g truffle
  • Under the git directory, run truffle migrate to deploy the chain. (You should find your ETH balance goes down a little bit after migration)
  • truffle compile and truffle test should both work.

After that, run npm run start, you should see the demo is up at http://localhost:3000. Remember to configure your Metamask wallet to connect to local Ganache server so we can mint color on the local test blockchain.