
Define fortify and autoplot functions to allow ggplot2 to handle some popular R packages.

Primary LanguageR

http://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/ggfortify https://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/grand-total/ggfortify https://coveralls.io/repos/sinhrks/ggfortify/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github


This package offers fortify and autoplot functions to allow automatic ggplot2 to visualize statistical result of popular R packages. Check out our R Journal paper for more details on the overall architecture design and a gallery of visualizations created with this package. Also check out autoplotly package that could automatically generate interactive visualizations with plotly.js style based on ggfortify. The generated visualizations can also be easily extended using ggplot2 syntax while staying interactive.

Note: For functions which returns list, ggfortify tries to infer a background class using its attribute names. Such functions are marked as "(inference)".


  • Install the latest stable release from CRAN:

  • Install the development version from Github:

    if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")



To cite ggfortify in publications, please use (available via citation("ggfortify")):

Yuan Tang, Masaaki Horikoshi, and Wenxuan Li (2016). ggfortify: Unified Interface to Visualize Statistical Result of Popular R Packages. The R Journal, 8.2, 478-489.

Masaaki Horikoshi and Yuan Tang (2016). ggfortify: Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggfortify


This covers following classes:

  • base::matrix
  • base::table (supports fortify only)
  • cluster::clara
  • cluster::fanny
  • cluster::pam
  • cluster::silhouette
  • changepoint::cpt
  • dlm::dlmFilter
  • dlm::dlmSmooth (inference)
  • fGarch::fGARCH
  • forecast::bats
  • forecast::forecast
  • forecast::ets
  • forecast::nnetar
  • fracdiff::fracdiff
  • glmnet::cv.glmnet
  • glmnet::glmnet
  • KFAS::signal (inference)
  • lfda::lfda
  • lfda::klfda
  • lfda::self
  • maps::map
  • MASS::isoMDS (inference)
  • MASS::sammon (inference)
  • raster::RasterBrick
  • raster::RasterCommon
  • raster::RasterLayer
  • raster::RasterStack
  • ROCR::performance
  • sp::Line
  • sp::Lines
  • sp::Polygon
  • sp::Polygons
  • sp::SpatialLines
  • sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame
  • sp::SpatialPoints
  • sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame
  • sp::SpatialPolygons
  • sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
  • splines::basis
  • stats::acf
  • stats::ar
  • stats::Arima
  • stats::cmdscale (inference)
  • stats::decomposed.ts
  • stats::density
  • stats::factanal
  • stats::glm
  • stats::HoltWinters
  • stats::kmeans
  • stats::lm
  • stats::prcomp
  • stats::princomp
  • stats::spec
  • stats::stepfun
  • stats::stl
  • stats::ts
  • survival::survfit
  • survival::survfit.cox
  • survival::survfitms
  • strucchange::breakpoints
  • strucchange::breakpointsfull
  • timeSeries::timeSeries
  • tseries::irts
  • vars::varprd
  • xts::xts
  • zoo::zooreg

Helper Functions

  • ggdistribution to plot PDF/CDF
  • ggcpgram to plot cpgram
  • ggtsdiag to plot tsdiag
  • ggfreqplot to generalize monthplot

ggplot2 Families

There are some useful plotting packages using ggplot2. ggfortify will not focus on area already covered by these packages.