
react native wikimon

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Wikimon React Native App Documentation


wikimon is a React Native application that provides a Pokémon-themed interface. Users can search for Pokémon and view detailed information about them. The app utilizes the Pokémon API to fetch data and displays it in a user-friendly format.


  • Pokémon Search: Allows users to search for Pokémon and view a list of them.
  • Pokémon Details: Provides detailed information about a selected Pokémon, including its stats and images.
  • Favorites: Users can mark Pokémon as favorites. This status is saved locally using AsyncStorage.


1. API Code

  • getPokemon Function:

    • Fetches a list of Pokémon from the Pokémon API.
    • Returns a list of Pokémon objects with basic information including ID and image URL.
  • getPokemonDetailes Function:

    • Fetches detailed information about a specific Pokémon by ID from the Pokémon API.
    • Returns detailed Pokémon data including stats and images.

2. Main Layout

  • Purpose: Defines the overall layout and navigation structure of the app using expo-router.
  • Features:
    • Configures header styles and titles for the different screens.
    • Sets up navigation between the main Pokémon list and individual Pokémon details screens.

3. Main Screen

  • Purpose: Displays a searchable list of Pokémon.
  • Features:
    • Fetches and displays Pokémon data in a scrollable list.
    • Each Pokémon entry is clickable and navigates to a detailed view of the selected Pokémon.

4. Pokémon Details Screen

  • Purpose: Shows detailed information about a selected Pokémon.
  • Features:
    • Displays Pokémon's image, ID, name, and stats.
    • Allows users to mark Pokémon as favorites.
    • The favorite status is managed using AsyncStorage to persist between app sessions.


  1. Main Screen: Navigate to the main screen to view a list of Pokémon. Click on a Pokémon to view more details.
  2. Pokémon Details: On the details screen, you can see comprehensive information about the selected Pokémon, including its image and stats. You can also mark the Pokémon as a favorite.


To get started with wikimon, follow the standard React Native setup procedures and ensure all necessary dependencies are installed.