
This is a simple auto-completion engine/server that is fast and efficient written in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


This is a simple auto-completion engine/server that is fast and efficient. It uses Ternary Search Tree (TST) as its main underlying data-structure which is storage efficient and allows for fast lookup.

Getting Started


go get github.com/zeyadyasser/autocom


Simple Example

import (

func main() {
	opts := skip.Options{
		MaxLevels: 5,
		ToLower: true,
		SkipBegin: true,
	E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil) // nil to use default backend (TST)
	E.Set("Mad Max: Fury Road", "value (any interface)")
	E.Set("Furious 7", nil)
	top, _ := E.TopN("Fu", 2)
	for K, V :=  range top {
		fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
	// Mad Max: Fury Road --> value (any interface)
	// Furious 7 --> nil
	top, _ = E.TopN("road", 2)
	for K, V :=  range top {
		fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
	// Mad Max: Fury Road --> value (any interface)
	E.Remove("Mad Max: Fury Road")
	top, _ = E.TopN("Fu", 2)
	for K, V :=  range top {
		fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
	// Furious 7 --> nil

Checkout the interactive movies search sample

Engine Options

Here the search is case-sensitive but exact prefix matches are required.

opts := skip.Options{}

Case-sensitive Example :

opts := skip.Options{}
E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil) // nil to use default backend (TST)
E.Set("Mad Max: Fury Road", nil)
E.Set("Furious 7", nil)
top, _ := E.TopN("mad", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// No results
top, _ = E.TopN("Mad", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// Mad Max: Fury Road --> nil

Exact Prefix Example :

opts := skip.Options{}
E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil) // nil to use default backend (TST)
E.Set("Mad Max: Fury Road", nil)
E.Set("Furious 7", nil)
top, _ := E.TopN("Fury", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// No results, because "Fury is not the exact prefix of any key"
top, _ = E.TopN("Fur", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// Furious 7 --> nil

Here the search is case insensitive but exact prefix matches are required.

opts := skip.Options{
	ToLower: true,

Case-insensitive Example :

opts := skip.Options{
	ToLower: true,
E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil) // nil to use default backend (TST)
E.Set("Mad Max: Fury Road", nil)
E.Set("Furious 7", nil)
top, _ := E.TopN("mad", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// Mad Max: Fury Road --> nil

Here the search is case-insensitive and matches keys where any of the first N(MaxLevels) words of the key matches the query.

opts := skip.Options{
	MaxLevels: 5,	// Here N is 5
	ToLower: true,  // Case-insensitive
	SkipBegin: true,// Match by skipping up to the first N words

Skip Begin Example :

opts := skip.Options{
	MaxLevels: 3,	// Here N is 3
	ToLower: true,  // Case-insensitive
	SkipBegin: true,// Match by skipping up to the first N words
E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil) // nil to use default backend (TST)
E.Set("Mad Max: Fury Road", nil)
// The following keys are stored.
// 	"mad max: fury road"
// 	"max: fury road"
// 	"fury road"
// 	"road" is not stored, because N = 3 and this is the 4th word.
E.Set("Furious 7", nil)
// The following keys are stored.
// 	"furious 7"
// 	"7"
top, _ := E.TopN("fu", 2)
for K, V :=  range top {
	fmt.Printf("%v --> %v\n", K, V)
// Mad Max: Fury Road --> nil (Here Fury is matched)
// Furious 7 --> nil (Here Furious is matched)


The Engine interface offers three main methods.


Set(string, interface{}) error


E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil)
err := E.Set("Key", "any interface")


Remove(string) error


E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil)
err := E.Remove("Key")


Maps Top N autocomplete matching keys to their values.

TopN(string, int) (complete.Map, error)

where complete.Map is map[string]interface{} example:

E := skip.NewSkipEngine(opts, nil)
result, err := E.TopN("Key", 5)
// returns top 5 matching keys

Run as a Server

  • Clone the repo & cd to root of repository.
     git clone https://github.com/zeyadyasser/autocom.git
     cd autocom
  • Create a new .env file using the .env.dist as a template
    • Fill in the missing secrets suitable for your environment
    • Never check in the .env file, it is already included in .gitignore, and never add actual secrets in .env.dist
  • (Optional) To run on your local machine, run the following command
     go run .
  • (Optional) To use Docker, run the following command
     docker build -t autocom .
     docker run --env-file=.env --rm -p 9696:9696 autocom
  • (Optional) To use docker-compose, run the following command
     docker-compose build
     docker-compose up

Server endpoints

POST /set You should send data in JSON format. Example:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  --data '{"key":"xyz","value":"xyz"}' \

DELETE /remove You should send the key as a query parameter. Example:

curl -X DELETE http://user:password@localhost:9696/remove?key=xyz

GET /topn You should send the key & number of results as query parameters. If cnt is not a number 400 Bad Request is returned. Returns a JSON map from keys to values. Example:

curl -X GET http://user:password@localhost:9696/topn?key=xyz&cnt=5


This was tested with Intel Core I5 8400 with 8GB of 2400hz DDR4 RAM.

Disclaimer : This not an exhaustive benchmark by any means.

cd path/to/autocom/engine/skip
go test -bench=.
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/zeyadyasser/autocom/engine/skip
BenchmarkTSTSet1ShortKey-6       1000000              1121 ns/op             620 B/op         15 allocs/op
BenchmarkTSTSet1LongKey-6        2000000              1086 ns/op             618 B/op         15 allocs/op
BenchmarkTSTTopN10ShortKey-6     1000000              1835 ns/op            1420 B/op         14 allocs/op
ok      github.com/zeyadyasser/autocom/engine/skip      6.629s


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