
Scripts for Onix Client

Primary LanguageLua

Scripts for Onix Client

- You need Onix Client (Scripting) to use these scripts!
@@ Discord : Quoty0#3884, Onix86#0001, Mac Becraft's#6545, rosie#6969, hmmm_#9439 @@
+ Please do pull request if you want to upload your script into the repository.
+ We'll accept your pull request after reviewing your script, so be patient.

How to install scripts


How to get started with OnixClient Scripting How to get started with OnixClient Scripting


Press 'Win + R' and type in

explorer.exe %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\RoamingState\OnixClient


Make 'Scripts' folder and send in chat .lua reload to create sub folders.


Click onto the module or cmd you want from this repo.


then click the raw button then do ctrl + s then save in the modules/scripts folder, make sure the file extention is .lua and not .txt as it is .txt by default so you're gonna need to change it for the scripts to work.

Remember to put the following in chat after adding/editing scripts :

.lua reload

This is because when saving/editing scripts the game won't notice that you've made modifications unless you do the cmd in chat. You can do .lua autoreload to make it automatically reload when you've edited a script.

Scripting documentation

You can see the documentation on official website