
An Android Template in the Android Studio :iphone: :pencil:

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android Template


This is Android template that contains just a title and a button that toggles the display of an stylized "L"


Notes for Android

If updating Kotlin, update the build.gradle version number in Gradle Scripts

How to update the name:

  1. First go to the Android Display
  2. In the gear icon on the projects structure, uncheck Compact Middle Packages
  3. Drill down to java -> com -> #someDirName -> #someProjectName
  4. Right click on the project and click Refactor -> Rename
  5. Accept by clicking Do Refactor on bottom left corner in console view
  6. Go to the build.gradle
  7. Change applicationId to the new dir path (as a string)
  8. Sync now
  9. Go to values -> strings.xml and change app name

Change Logo

  1. Right click app
  2. New -> image asset (or vector asset)
  3. Locate and tune