
Review of HolyC

Primary LanguageHolyCMIT LicenseMIT

A Holy Review


HolyC is a programming language that can be found in TempleOS and is best described as C derivative with inline assembly support.

The best way to experience this is to download TempleOS and run it on a virtual machine (like VirtualBox)

Install and Use

The best tutorial I can find for downloading and running TempleOS is this YouTube Video: youtube.com/watch?v=NK0lPrrdAxw

After installing to the drive and rebooting, you will be prompted with a chance to go through the tutorials

Keyboard Commands

Some common keyboard commands not included in [2] are

  • Ctrl + M for menu
  • Ctrl + Y to delete a whole line
  • Shift + Del to cut
  • Alt+Backspace Undo
  • f1 for help
  • f5 to run the script while in the editor
  • Esc to escape out of almost everything

To find a list of all the commands do Help [f1]->Key Map

CLI Commands

*Note all commands will be post-fixed by ; since these are the direct calls to the functions themselves

  • Dir; to ls (same as DOS)
  • Cd("FolderName"); to go to the folder called FolderName within the current level directory
  • Ed("FileName.HC"); to jump into the editor for a file called FileName.HC

About HolyC

Strongly recommend going through the Help [f1]->HolyC manual to learn more

  • A file name ending in .Z wile Hello.HC.Z will be compressed
  • Main function is not needed
  • Convenient conditions of 0<a<=10 and the like are included
  • Switch statements are very optimized and are more expressive. Some things include ranges
  • no_warn stmt will suppress unused var warning
  • $ is the escape char
  • No #define or typedef although classes are a thing
  • No continue, only goto
  • Different printf codes (see manual)

Compiler for HolyC is JIT (just in time)


[1] Install TempleOS on VirtualBox: youtube.com/watch?v=NK0lPrrdAxw

[2] Keyboard shortcuts: github.com/Passw/TempleOS-DivineOS#keyboard-shortcuts

[3] About the late Terry Davis, the creator: Down the Rabbit Hole


License: MIT