
Trage cryptocurrencies using Coinbase Pro API and ChatGPT trading algorithm

Primary LanguageC#


alt text

I asked ChatGPT to program a simple crypto trading strategy using Moving Averages (MA), Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). The bot uses Coinbase Pro API to trade.

Advanced Trading Strategy

ChatGPT built the following strategy, which it called "Advanced Trading Strategy". The full ChatGPT code is at the bottom of the page.

The algorithm works as follows:

  • Calculate the 50-MA and the 200-MA.
  • When the 50-MA crosses above the 200-MA, buy the asset.
  • When the RSI is greater than 70, sell the asset.
  • If the asset price drops more than 5% from the purchase price, apply the DCA algorithm and buy more of the asset at a lower price to lower the average cost of the asset.
  • If the asset price drops more than 10% from the purchase price, sell the asset to cut losses.


  • Coinbase API library
  • .NET framework 4.8
  • Newtonsoft.Json


This repository contains both PROJECT and BINARY files (windows only).

  • Download this repository
  • Install the required dependencies using NuGet package manager
  • Build the project as x86 (important!)
  • Run the application and specify your Coinbase Pro API keys


// Calculate moving averages
var shortMA = candleData.GetSimpleMovingAverage(50);
var longMA = candleData.GetSimpleMovingAverage(200);

// Calculate RSI
var rsi = candleData.GetRelativeStrengthIndex(14);

// Retrieve account balance
var balance = client.GetAccountBalance("USD");

// Check if short MA crossed above long MA
if (shortMA.Last() > longMA.Last() && shortMA.ElementAt(shortMA.Count - 2) <= longMA.ElementAt(longMA.Count - 2))
    // Buy asset
    var price = client.GetPrice(product);
    var size = balance.Available / price;
    var buyOrder = client.PlaceLimitOrder(OrderSide.Buy, product, size, price);

    // Check for successful order placement
    if (buyOrder != null)
        // Save purchase price and quantity
        var purchasePrice = price;
        var purchaseQuantity = size;

// Check if RSI is above 70
if (rsi.Last() > 70)
    // Sell asset
    var price = client.GetPrice(product);
    var sellOrder = client.PlaceLimitOrder(OrderSide.Sell, product, purchaseQuantity, price);

    // Check for successful order placement
    if (sellOrder != null)
        // Calculate profit/loss
        var pnl = (price - purchasePrice) * purchaseQuantity;

// Check for price drop of more than 5% and apply DCA algorithm
if (price < purchasePrice * 0.95)
    // Calculate new purchase price and quantity
    var newPurchasePrice = (purchasePrice * purchaseQuantity + balance.Available) / (purchaseQuantity + balance.Available / price);
    var newPurchaseQuantity = purchaseQuantity + balance.Available / price;

    // Buy more of the asset at a lower price
    var buyOrder = client.PlaceLimitOrder(OrderSide.Buy, product, balance.Available / price, price);

    // Check for successful order placement
    if (buyOrder != null)
        // Save new purchase price and quantity
        purchasePrice = newPurchasePrice;
        purchaseQuantity = newPurchaseQuantity;

// Check for price drop of more than 10%
if (price < purchasePrice * 0.90)
    // Sell asset to cut losses
    var sellOrder = client.PlaceLimitOrder(OrderSide.Sell, product, purchaseQuantity, price);

    // Check for successful order placement
    if (sellOrder != null)
        // Calculate profit/loss
        var pnl = (price - purchasePrice) * purchaseQuantity;