ZhangStella's Stars
Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks using Dog Identification App
This Project is about. Classification of Dogs on the base of there breed. And if its provided with Human Image it will say " If this person were a dog " what breed it would be.
Kaggle Challenge - create a classifier capable of determining a dog's breed from a photo
Project of INFO7390
Identification and classification of dog breed in an input image
dog breed classifier for kaggle competion - https://www.kaggle.com/c/dog-breed-identification
Convolutional Neural Networks Project: Write an Algorithm for a Dog Identification App
A transfer-learning based approach to dog breed identification using Keras/CNTK
Final Year Project Dog Breed Classifier App for the identification and detection of genetic disorders in dogs
The aim of this project is to create a dog breed identification application using CNNs. The resulting algorithm could be used as part of a mobile or web app. This design can be applied to image classification problem. The code will accept any user-supplied image as input. If a dog is detected in the image, it will provide an estimate of the dog's breed. If a human is detected, it will provide an estimate of the dog breed that is most resembling.
Recent studies discovered a widespread induction of transcriptional readthrough as a consequence of various stress conditions in mammalian cells. This novel phenomenon, initially identified from the analysis of RNA-seq data, suggests intriguing new levels of gene expression regulation. However, the mechanism underlying the readthrough phenomenon, as well as its regulatory consequences, still remain elusive. Furthermore, the readthrough response to stress has thus far not been investigated outside of mammalian species, and the occurrence of the readthrough phenomenon in many physiological and disease conditions remains to be explored. To facilitate a wider investigation into transcriptional readthrough, we created the DoGFinder software, which allows the identification and quantification of readthrough transcripts, DoGs, from any RNA-seq dataset. We further used DoGFinder to discover DoG induction in human PME cells following hypoxia – a previously unknown readthrough inducing stress type. This python based freely available software will enable users to explore, in a few simple steps, the readthrough phenomenon in any condition and organism.
Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree Convolutional Neural Networks Project: Write an Algorithm for a Dog Identification App. This is prepared for Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree online class Author: jtmoogle @github.com All Rights Reserved
In this notebook, I make the first steps towards developing an algorithm that could be used as part of a mobile or web app. At the end of this project, My code will accept any user-supplied image as input. If a dog is detected in the image, it will provide an estimate of the dog's breed. If a human is detected, it will provide an estimate of the dog breed that is most resembling. The image below displays potential sample output of your finished project (... but we expect that each student's algorithm will behave differently!).
A capston project of Udacity Machine Learning Algorithm for Dog Breed Classification.
Dog breed identification
Kaggle competition——Dog Breed Identification
kaggle Dog Breed Identification
Kaggle dog breed identification implemented via gluon
In this playground competition, you are provided a strictly canine subset of ImageNet in order to practice fine-grained image categorization. How well you can tell your Norfolk Terriers from your Norwich Terriers? With 120 breeds of dogs and a limited number training images per class, you might find the problem more, err, ruff than you anticipated.
Dog Breed Identification - Kaggle project (Machine learning model for dog breed classification for imagenet dataset)
Using tensorflow and pytorch to classify dog breeds ( kaggle competition)
FaceNet implementation for dog identification
CNN model for a Dog Identification App - Deep Learning Nanodegree, Udacity
Kaggle competition, distinguish dog breeds from 120 classes
Uses a convolutional neural network to identify which breed a dog is
A fun project to identify dog breeds
Kaggle 120种狗分类,Gluon实现