
A stock tracker using Vue (client) and Flask / Python (server)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

chart chart


I started this project as part of an interview, might actually continue on once graded! This is a stock tracker, it tracks stocks using the Polygon API, I selected 3 stocks for version 1 (APPL, MSFT, TSLA).

I learned Vuejs(html / css / javascript) to develop my front end and Flask with python to develop my backend. I also used Heroku to deploy it on a docker image.

Table of Contents


You can check it out on: https://stock-tracker-for-alquant.herokuapp.com/

Run locally:

  • On the server side, first download all the required packages from the /server folder using pip:

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then do the same on the client side with npm from the /client folder:

    • npm install
  • Run Flask backend separately for development, from the /server folder:

    • flask run --port=5000 --debug
  • Run Vue frontend separately for development, from the /client folder:

    • npm run dev

Run a Docker image locally (The packages will automatically be loaded into the docker image):

  • docker build -t web:latest .
  • docker run -d --name stock-tracker-for-alquant -e "PORT=8765" -p 8007:8765 web:latest
  • docker stop stock-tracker-for-alquant
  • docker rm stock-tracker-for-alquant


Once graded, the plan is to move on with V2 version:

  • Dynamically adding stocks
  • Enabling period picker
  • Working on the site robustness
  • Building a real SQL DB to reduce API calls


Thank you to a bunch of youtubers for getting me up to speed with front end tools, especially @ChartJS-tutorials and @NetNinja, I might have underestimated the challenges frontend devs experience haha!