
Light_weight Configuration for Vim

Primary LanguageVim script


easy_vim is derived from sychelsea and little inspired by ArthurChiao, aiming at building a light-weight vim configuration. Different from other maybe-fancy but heavy ones, easy_vim is much easier to scale and effective enought for unix programmers.

Quick Install

$ git clone https://github.com/ZhangZhuoSJTU/easy_vim.git
$ cd easy_vim
$ ./install.sh

For Rust

easy_vim is equipped with RustFmt. De-comment all rustfmt related configuration in install.sh. Command ,r in normal mode serves to reformat your rust code.

For Python

easy_vim uses black to format python code. If you are using Python 3.6.0+, de-comment all black configuration in $HOME/.vimrc and pip install black. Then command ,b would work.

For C/C++

easy_vim uses clang-fmt to format C and C++ code. De-comment related code in install.sh and $HOME/.vimrc to support command ,c.

Cheat Sheet

  • ,l: Open/close nerdtree


easy_vim requires powerline symbols. If you did not install any fonts supporting powerline symbols on your local machine, Cascadia Code PL is recommended. More choices can be found at nerd-fonts.