
UITableView/UICollectionView superclass for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

block config

// easy emptyview's layout
[self.tableview emptyViewConfigerBlock:^(FOREmptyAssistantConfiger *configer) {
    configer.emptyTitle = @"Hello World";
    configer.emptySubtitle = @"Talk is cheap. Show me the code";
    configer.emptyImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image_empty"];

// complicated 
typeof(self) weakSelf = self;

[self.tableview emptyViewConfigerBlock:^(FOREmptyAssistantConfiger *configer) {
    configer.emptyTitle = @"Hello World";
    configer.emptySubtitle = @"Talk is cheap. Show me the code";
    configer.emptyImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image_empty"];
    configer.imageAnimation = imageAnimation;
    configer.emptyBtnTitle = @"Request Net";
    configer.emptyBtnClickBlock = ^{
        [weakSelf.tableview.mj_header beginRefreshing];

custom view as emptyView

typeof(self) weakSelf = self;

FOREmptyAssistantConfiger *configer = [FOREmptyAssistantConfiger new];
configer.emptyTitle = @"This is demo";
configer.emptySubtitle = @"tap this to request network \n hurry up";
configer.emptyViewTapBlock = ^{
    [weakSelf.tableview.mj_header beginRefreshing];

[self.tableview emptyViewConfiger:configer];

custom view as emptyView

 UIView *customView = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"FORCustomCell" owner:nil options:nil] firstObject];

 FOREmptyAssistantConfiger *configer = [FOREmptyAssistantConfiger new];
 configer.customView = customView;

 [self.tableview emptyViewConfiger:configer];

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  • 简易使用于TableView和CollectionView上
  • 改进灵活度,根据不同状态切换不同的空白页(例如:网络失败 / 请求成功的空数据)。





  • 避免了一整片空白的视图,解释为什么当前空白页是这样的
  • 可以添加一些交互回调事件
  • 避免强类型提示的突兀出现(UIAlerView、HUDProgress等等)
  • 更快引导用户入门
  • 使用logo加深品牌的影响



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  • >= iOS6.0
  • iPhone 和 iPad
  • 限于在TableView和CollectionView上使用
  • 对应元素一共有emptyImage、emptyTitle、emptySubtitle、emptyButton
  • 支持自动布局及屏幕旋转(Autolayout)
  • 可调整一些属性包括:
属性 类型 说明 默认值
emptyTitle NSString 标题 @""
emptyTitleFont UIFont 标题字体 systemFontOfSize:17.0f
emptyTitleColor UIColor 标题颜色 darkGrayColor
emptySubtitle NSString 副标题 @""
emptySubtitleFont UIFont 副标题字体 systemFontOfSize:15.0f
emptySubtitleColor UIColor 副标题颜色 lightGrayColor
emptyImage UIImage 空白页占位图 nil
emptyBtnTitle NSString 按钮标题 @""
emptyBtntitleFont UIFont 按钮字体 systemFontOfSize:17.0f
emptyBtnTitleColor UIColor 按钮标题颜色 whiteColor
emptyBtnImage UIImage 按钮icon nil
emptyBtnBackgroundImage UIImage 按钮背景图片 blank_button
customView UIView 自定义空白view(则前面设置的样式全部失效) nil
emptyCenterOffset CGPoint 空白页整体位置默认是在tableView居中显示 (x:0, y:-30)
emptySpaceHeight CGFloat 空白页的图片、按钮、文案之间的间距大小 20
allowScroll BOOL 添加空白页后ScrollView是否可以继续拖拽 YES
userInteractionEnabled BOOL 可交互 YES
shouldDisplay BOOL(^)() 添加空白页后ScrollView是否可以展示 YES
shouldStartImageViewAnimate BOOL(^)() 空白页的图片是否执行动画 YES
imageAnimation CAAnimation 图片的动画, Note: shouldStartAnimate==NO
emptyViewTapBlock void(^)() 空白页区域点击 /
emptyBtnClickBlock void(^)() 按钮点击 /
Life Cirlce
emptyViewWillAppear void(^)() life cricle /
emptyViewWillDisappear void(^)() life cricle /
emptyViewDidAppear void(^)() life cricle /
emptyViewDidDisappear void(^)() life cricle /


FORScrollViewEmptyAssistant is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'FORScrollViewEmptyAssistant'


XcodeYang, xcodeyang@gmail.com


FORScrollViewEmptyAssistant is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.