
Subscribe Agent based on MetaGPT.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Subscribe Agent based on MetaGPT.

Thanks to @datawhalechina and @geekan

To learn more about MetaGPT: (https://deepwisdom.feishu.cn/wiki/MLILw0EdRiyiYRkJLgOcskyAnUh)

📡 订阅智能体

这个仓库提供了一个智能订阅工具,它能够帮助你轻松跟踪和总结GitHub Trending和Hugging Face Paper上的最新动态。🌟


  • 🚀 实时跟踪:订阅智能体能够实时监测GitHub Trending上的热门项目和Hugging Face Paper上的最新研究论文。
  • 📚 智能总结:通过先进的自然语言处理技术,智能体能够为你提供简洁明了的项目和论文摘要。
  • 🔔 定制通知:你可以根据自己的兴趣和需求,设置关键词过滤器,只接收你感兴趣的更新。
  • 🌐 多平台支持:无论是GitHub还是Hugging Face,智能体都能够无缝集成,提供跨平台的订阅体验。


  1. 安装依赖:使用pip install -r requirements.txt安装必要的Python库。
  2. 配置设置:在config.json文件中填写你的订阅偏好和通知设置。 [x]
  3. 启动订阅:运行main.py脚本,智能体将开始工作,定期向你发送最新动态。[x]


我们欢迎社区的贡献和反馈!如果你有任何建议或问题,请随时发起Issue或Pull Request。🤝 让我们一起构建一个更加智能和互联的开放源代码和研究社区!🌈

Subscription Agent

This repository offers an intelligent subscription tool that makes it easy for you to keep up with and summarize the latest trends on GitHub Trending and Hugging Face Paper. 🌟

Key Features

  • 🚀 Real-time Tracking: The subscription agent can monitor popular projects on GitHub Trending and the latest research papers on Hugging Face Paper in real-time.
  • 📚 Intelligent Summarization: Utilizing advanced natural language processing techniques, the agent provides concise and clear summaries of projects and papers.
  • 🔔 Custom Notifications: You can set up keyword filters based on your interests and needs to receive updates that matter to you.
  • 🌐 Multi-platform Support: Whether it's GitHub or Hugging Face, the agent seamlessly integrates to offer a cross-platform subscription experience.


  1. Install Dependencies: Install the necessary Python libraries using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Configure Settings: Fill in your subscription preferences and notification settings in the config.json file. [x]
  3. Start Subscription: Run the main.py script, and the agent will start working, sending you regular updates. [x]

Community Contribution

We welcome contributions and feedback from the community! If you have any suggestions or issues, please feel free to open an Issue or Pull Request. 🤝 Let's build a more intelligent and connected open-source and research community together! 🌈