Presentation to accompany the workshop can be found here:
Helpful links for reference:
- Comprehensive TMB documentation:
- Specific help for coming to C++ from R:
- Github link with some simple TMB examples:
Malaria prevalence data: Open-access malaria data hosted by the Malaria Atlas Project accessed using the malariaAtlas R package
Malaria incidence data: Open-access data from Saved in the data folder
Covaraite data: WorldClim data (temperature, temparature variation and precipitation) at 5 minutes resolution from using the getData R function
Three models of increasing complexity implemented in TMB to predict malaria prevalence.
Model 1: Linear regression with covariates
Model 2: Linear model with Gaussian field
Model 3: Two types of response data. Two contributions to the likelihood. Customised link function. Linear model with Gaussian field and optimised link function
Three main scripts for 3 different models:
- 1_example_linear_regression.R
- 2_example_with_field.R
- 3_example_with_link_function.R
model specification cpp files (in src folder):
- src/model1.cpp
- src/model2.cpp
- src/model3.cpp
Data preparation:
- prepare_data.R: prepares prevalence survey data and covariate data for all 3 models
- prepare_incidence_data.R: prepared incidence survey data for 3rd model
- predict.R: predict prevalence for model 2 and 3. Plot mean and uncertainty
If you are coming to the workshop please install these packages ahead of time.
- malariaAtlas
- dplyr
- sp
- raster
- Matrix
- ggplot2
- cowplot
INLA must be installed from a separate repository. install.packages("INLA", repos=c(getOption("repos"), INLA=""), dep=TRUE)