Can You Learn Semantics Through Next-Word Prediction? The Case of Entailment

This repo contains the code and data that we used in our paper, Can You Learn Semantics Through Next-Word Prediction? The Case of Entailment. We attempted to clean the repository up a bit from the one we used. All the functionality should be identical, but please reach out if you run into any issue!


We specify the main library versions we used in requirements.txt. Nevertheless, during the process of the project, we occasionally updated the library versions (for example, to transformers==4.33.3 and accelerate==0.23.0 for Llama-2 support). So you may get slightly different results, but shouldn't by much.


Broad-Coverage Entailment Datasets

The following command downloads and formats the RTE dataset to the format that we use. You can change it to process other datsets/splits.

python rte train datasets/rte_train.txt

Generate Targeted Eval Data

The following command generates the passive targeted evaluation dataset. The other datasets work similarly. The datasets/ directory also contains the generated datasets.

python targeted_entailment/ datasets/passives.txt --pairs_path datasets/passives_pairs.txt


Use the following command to run the main experiment.

python datasets/rte_train.txt rte_gpt2.pkl --model_name gpt2 --bsz 1

And the following command is an example to run the analysis where the premise is repeated.

python datasets/rte_train.txt rte_gpt2_repeated.pkl --model_name gpt2 --bsz 1 --lhs_repetition 5 --rhs_repetition 5 --tie_repetitions

To compute the bits-per-byte (BPB) of a model on the C4 validation set, use for example:

python gpt2 c4 en validation

And the following command trains a logistic regression classifier to predict the entailment label based on the sentence probabilities. Note that it expects the output pickle from the script.

python datasets/rte_train.txt rte_gpt2.pkl