
CT image reconstruction using Fan-beam Filtered back-projection with Parker and Differential weighting.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Computed-tomography Fan-beam FBP reconstruction

This repository contains CT image reconstruction using Fan-beam Filtered back-projection. Appropriate weighting measures like Differential and Parker weighting can be applied. The reconstruction algorithm is applicable to short scan protocol as well.


  • FFBP_Weighted.m : Fan-beam Filtered back-projection function for two dimensional reconstruction.

  • SAMPLE_FFBP.m : Sample script to execute the Fan-beam FBP function with appropriate reconstruction parameters. This example script can be used to reconstruct the sample sinogram file " Sample_sinogram.sino ".

  • designFilter.m : Use it to design the filter with window of choice. Certain general windows are already incorporated like the shepp-logan, cosine, hann and hamming filter.

  • fbp2_window.m : Filter windows as used by Jeffrey A Fessler, "Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox,"

  • fbp_sino_filter.m : Filtering (Curved/ Arc detector) as used by Jeffrey A Fessler, "Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox,"

  • filterProjections.m : Filtering as in iradon function (Copyright 1993-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.).


  • Taguchi, K. Image Reconstruction Algorithms for X-Ray CT, 189–216. Medical Imaging Technology and Applications Troy Farncombe and Kris Iniewski CRC Press 2013.

  • D. L. Parker, Optimal short scan convolution reconstruction for fanbeam CT, Medical Physics, 9, 254–257, 1982.