
This is not really a grading script, rather, this is the simplest version of a super client (who has the power of starting a server...)

Primary LanguagePython

CS131 Project Sample Grading Script

  • Maintained and updated on CS131 TA Organization Reporitory since Winter 2020.
  • This particular version is for CS131 Winter 22 quarter
  • This is not really a grading script because you didn't see any grading
  • The evaluation giving you True / False something is somewhat partial credits for each task
  • This is the simplest version of the core part of the grading script, but it doesn't contain any real test case
  • You may regard it as a super client (who has the power of starting a server) as well.
  • You expect a decent score if you see correct results for all the test cases here. But there's no guarantee; feel free to add your own test cases using the API functions. In addition, this script tests the coding part only. You are also expected to write the report as requested in the spec.



  • put your server.py and all other needed .py files under the sample_submission folder
  • modify the port number in client_basic.py. Follow port assignment
  • could run single evaluation by
    python3 client_basic.py
  • If your program runs correctly, your are expected to see only "True" in the output (3x9 test points for test 1, 3x4 test points for test 2, 3 test points for test 3), without any "False".
  • Ignore all other output messages, such as the ones with "nohup" and "kill".
  • This script has been tested on both mac and linux; not tested on Windows

Resource and Acknowledgement

  • Thanks to previous-year TA, Wenhao and Patricia's code
  • Following discussion online, to kill the process occupying port 8000 we could run:
    lsof -ti:8000 | xargs kill
  • To run a script in the background I used nohup
  • To execute command line within Python:
    import os
    os.system('sox input.wav -b 24 output.aiff rate -v -L -b 90 48k')
  • Some hint code from previous year is available in this hint code repo

About organizing log files

You might want to have a look at os.mkdir and os.path.exists

What kind of submission is safe?

If you unzip your files into the sample_submission folder, with no extra effort required (e.g. don't need to create an empty folder manually, etc.), we can always make client_basic run (I mean if you occupy others' port then it is not guaranteed to work).