
Computer Language

  1. r markdown
  2. perform symbolic computation with python

Control System

  1. How to build a ctrl sys with python?

Circuits and Systems

  1. memristor


  1. How to analyze noise?
  2. How to layout?
  3. subthreshold
  4. Gilbert cell mixer (Jiashu's thesis)
  5. diff amp
  6. output stages


  1. How to match a PA?


  1. ctrl sys
  2. freq resp of CS amp w all ex caps
  3. why OCTC works
  4. diff to single-ended amps
  5. folded cascode
  6. blackman
  7. RR
  8. feedback from ctrl sys
  9. stability (stab margins, Nyquist)
  10. compensation

What I've learned and plan to focus

  1. TTC Analysis
  2. I want to know if there's a faster way to write out the transfer constants in a resistive network (start with the form similar to TTC)
  3. there seems to be a connection between controlled sources, return ratio, and source absorption theorem