
Zharaskhan Aman - https://github.com/Zharaskhan Amina Aman - https://github.com/Aminaaman Akbota Mautkazy - https://github.com/Akbotam Aigerim Zhumabaeva - https://github.com/aigerimzh

We are going to create online clothes shop. Clothes will be categorised according to clothes types like outerwear, skirts, trousers and etc. There will be shopping bag to collect customers' selections. We will also have page of latest news about new collection and about fashion in general. Ideas will be added and updated over time.

Here is an approximate prototype of our project: https://www.figma.com/file/GYBRCN8W26Bq5vVQxPyum394/WEB_Project?node-id=0%3A1