
CS2270 Final Project


etcd cluster setup

Note: This only works on Mac.

Install etcd.

Install Goreman. On Mac, run brew install goreman is a shortcut.

Refer to etcd-cluster to set up a local multi-member cluster. For the Procfile, refer to Procfile.

zookeeper ensemble setup

Install docker

Run docker-compose -f zk_stack.yml up

distributed-metadata-index command-line install

cd ./cmd/dmi
go build


Regular Expression Searches

The metadata to be indexed is a set of key-value pairs. The key, which we called a tag is in the form of "tag_name=tag_value”. The search on tag_name supports 2 kinds of wildcards: *-wildcard and ?-wildcard.

  1. *-wildcard: matches zero or more characters
  2. ?-wildcard: matches any single character

For example:

Storage: ["abcdefgh", "abcfkh", "abfh", "abfffh", "abfaah"]
Search String: "ab*f?h"
Result: [["abcfkh", "abcdefgh", "abfffh"]]

For more examples, see testcase TestAdvancedWildcard