Telegram-Bot-Lambda Code


  • poetry for dependency management & virtual envrionments
  • uses poetry to execute python files


  • python ^3.12
  • poetry ^1.7.1


  • poetry shell to activate the virtual environment
  • poetry install to install dependencies
  • poetry run build to create a virtual environment, install packages and output them to the dist/lambda folder
  • poetry run cert to download the CA certificate from the AWS endpoint and save it to the dist/lambda folder
  • poetry run zip to create the dist/ from dist/lambda folder
  • poetry run dist to run all of the above steps


All code in src/ will be compiled to dist/ and then bundled to dist/lambda/ along with site packages from the generated .venv /**/site-packages/** virutal environment when running poetry run build or poetry run dist.

The dist/ created by running poetry run zip or poetry run dist, is what will be used to deploy as a lambda function.

src/ is the entrypoint for the lambda function and the handler function will the main entry function that is called when the Lambda function is invoked.

While developing for lambda functions, it's CRITICAL to retain the same signature for the handler function (ie lambda.handler), as it's the entrypoint for the lambda function.

You can tell the Lambda runtime which handler method to invoke by setting the handler parameter on your function's configuration.

When you configure a function in Python, the value of the handler setting is the file name and the name of the handler module, separated by a dot. For example, main.Handler calls the Handler method defined in

See also Lambda function handler in Python


  1. Ensure that you're in the lambda project root directory (where the package.json file is located)
  2. Run npm run dist to create the dist/ file
  3. Upload the dist/ file to the AWS Lambda console
  4. Set the Lambda Handler on Lambda console to lambda.handler