
asyncio 源码注解.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


asyncio 源码注解.

  • asyncio
  • python 3.3 版本, 添加此库,
  • python 3.4 版本之后, 被添加到标准库中.


  • asyncio-3.4.3
    • 发布时间: 5 Feb 2015
    • 阅读时间: 2017-02-21


-> % tree asyncio -L 1

├── __init__.py
├── base_events.py
├── base_subprocess.py
├── constants.py
├── coroutines.py
├── events.py
├── futures.py
├── locks.py
├── log.py
├── proactor_events.py
├── protocols.py
├── queues.py
├── selector_events.py
├── selectors.py
├── sslproto.py
├── streams.py
├── subprocess.py
├── tasks.py
├── test_support.py
├── test_utils.py
├── transports.py
├── unix_events.py
├── windows_events.py
└── windows_utils.py

0 directories, 24 files


  • 由示例代码开始阅读, 然后找到 lib 入口.

  • examples/hello_coroutine.py

    • get_event_loop()
    • run_until_complete()
      • 定位到: base_events.py
      • asyncio.base_events.BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete()
      • BaseEventLoop()
        • create_task()
    • @asyncio.coroutine
      • 定位到: coroutines.py
      • 协程装饰器
      • asyncio.coroutines.coroutine()
  • examples/tcp_echo.py

    • start_client()
  • locks.py:

    • 各种同步机制
  • queues.py:

    • 自定义的队列: 优先级队列等
  • protocols.py

    • 协议模块.
    • 流, 数据报等
    • streams.py
    • base_subprocess.py
    • subprocess.py
    • sslproto.py
  • transports.py

    • 传输层
  • selectors.py

    • 选择器
    • selector_events.py


  • https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html
    • 模块主要内容:
      • a pluggable event loop with various system-specific implementations;
      • transport and protocol abstractions (similar to those in Twisted);
      • concrete support for TCP, UDP, SSL, subprocess pipes, delayed calls, and others (some may be system-dependent);
      • a Future class that mimics the one in the concurrent.futures module, but adapted for use with the event loop;
      • coroutines and tasks based on yield from (PEP 380), to help write concurrent code in a sequential fashion;
      • cancellation support for Futures and coroutines;
      • synchronization primitives for use between coroutines in a single thread, mimicking those in the threading module;
      • an interface for passing work off to a threadpool, for times when you absolutely, positively have to use a library that makes blocking I/O calls.
    • 关键模块查阅说明文档