
Stop at thought experiments Time to roll up the sleeves and dive into the hands-on!

Primary LanguagePython

Independent Projects


  • NSA - NBA Player Strength Visualization.
  • Artifical_NN - An Implementation of Artificial Neural Network from scratch for Robotics Range Sensor classification.
  • OS-Practice - Operating system class coursework
  • Textcat - Text categorization using Naive Bayes method with novel smoothing techniques.
  • EventPlus - Event Search and Ticket Recommendation Service based on Java web service.
  • Collaborative-OJ - collaborative leetcode-like online judge system (OJ) implementation.
  • Train-Ticket-Booking-System - command-line ticket search and booking system.
  • Snake_C - command-line Snake game.
  • Solarsystem_C++ - Solarsystem visualization in C++.
  • Ls_c - unix-like system command "ls" rewritten.
  • Calculator_C - command-line Calculator.
  • Flappy_bird_C - command-line Flappy Bird game.
  • Contactlist - command-line friendly contact list tool.