4 questions by team 2:

This project consists of a video that was filmed as part of the 30 minute film festival (30MFF) during the class Communications Lab. During the 30MFF, our class was divided into random groups of 4 people and we had 30 minutes to come up with a concept, film, edit and then present the video to the class. In my team, we decided to execute a take on the 20 questions game and so we each answered a question, making our version a 4 questions game (hence the title).
Because of the circumstance of filming (physical distancing, not being in the same country and time constraints), we had to further think of the ways we can film and edit the video so that it could be entertaining to watch and has a coherent storyline in the way that it is presented. Therefore, we decided to take advantage of the use of transitions to make this 90-second video flow smoothly and eliminate any chaos it could have presented.
While the video itself presents a lighthearted and fun concept, I wanted my website to reflect that but also shed light on the complexities of content creation in a pandemic (since it is an obvious theme in our video).

Initially, I didn’t know what theme would match the video since the video’s theme was a simple and flexible one and so it was tough picking one theme and making sure all the other elements of the website design matched it. I decided to find a color palette that I liked and go on from there.
This was the color palette chosen:

After that, I identified all the other aspects of the website I wanted to include and used the wireframe that I previously designed as reference. I also have an ongoing list of websites that I think are cool and, while most of them are maybe too complicated for me to execute at this stage, I did implement some more basic ideas into my website.
Some of these websites include:
Cool theme:

Team page:
Not related to mine but I think is cool:


Before creating this website, I had a lot of ideas and concepts that I wanted to implement in this project that did not necessarily directly translate for multiple reasons.
The first one being the idea I described earlier about the need to have a consistent theme so my website doesn’t look chaotic and so I had to make sure all the elements implemented are consistent with the theme.
Another obvious yet notable reason was the limitation of my skills. Some of the cool things I was seeing on the websites linked above and therefore, some of the idea’s I had were more complex than I thought and so I had to replace these ideas with something else that is more achievable but still cool (I hope). Another aspect I did not think I’d have to think about as much but ended up being crucial was finding a balance between a website having so many cool interactive, moving elements and being functional.