Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks

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Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks

PyTorch code to reproduce LyDROO algorithm [1], which is an online computation offloading algorithm to maximize the network data processing capability subject to the long-term data queue stability and average power constraints. It applies Lyapunov optimization to decouple the multi-stage stochastic MINLP into deterministic per-frame MINLP subproblems and solves each subproblem via DROO algorithm. It includes:

  • memory.py: the codes of Deep Reinforcement Learning based on fully connected neural networks (DNN) implemented on PyTorch.

  • memoryTF2conv.py: the codes of Deep Reinforcement Learning based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) implemented on Tenforflow 2.

  • ResourceAllocation: Algorithms for resource allocation.

  • LyDROO.py: run this file for LyDROO with DNN implemented on PyTorch, namely LyDROO (DNN).

  • LyDROOwithTF2conv.py: run this file for LyDROO with CNN implemented on Tenforflow 2, namely LyDROO (CNN).

Cite this work

  1. Suzhi Bi, Liang Huang, and Ying-jun Angela Zhang, ``Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks'', IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, doi:10.1109/TWC.2021.3085319.
  author={Bi, Suzhi and Huang, Liang and Wang, Hui and Zhang, Ying-Jun Angela},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications},
  title={Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks},

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How the code works

  • For LyDROO (DNN), run the file, LyDROO.py. Please make sure that PyTorch has been successfully installed before execution.
Training Loss Average Data Queue
Training Loss Average Data Queue
  • Remarks:
    • You may arrive at similar but different results since both wireless channels and data arrivals are randomly generated on lines 130-139 of LyDROO.py or LyDROOwithTF2conv.py.
    • LyDROO (DNN) requires more training frames before convegence, e.g., increase the time frame variable 'n' from 10000 to 20000 on line 65 of LyDROO.py.
    • In general, LyDROO (CNN) converges much faster than LyDROO (DNN).