
Data visualization course at MPIDR

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Data visualization course at MPIDR



Day 1, Monday, July 13: BASICS

  • Basic dataviz principles (slides)
  • Impressive dataviz showcasess
  • Tidy approach to data

Day 2, Tuesday, July 14: TUNE-UP

  • {ggplot2} intro
  • Colors, themes and fonts
  • Arranging and exporting plots

Day 3, Wednesday, July 15: TOOLBOX

  • Useful types of plots
  • Heatmaps, equality-line, ggridges, treemap
  • Ternary plots and ternary colorcoding

Day 4, Thursday, July 16: INTERACT

  • Population pyramids
  • Interactivity with {shiny}
  • Animation with {gganimate}

Day 5, Friday, July 17: MAPS

  • The basics of map projections (slides)
  • {sf} – the game changer in #rspatial, geom_sf
  • Useful spatial processing tricks
  • Mapping Europe with {eurostat}

Links to submit assignments