G-SLIDE is a GPU-based sub-linear deep learning engine via LSH sparsification of fully-connected neural networks. The details can be found in this paper.
The Datasets can be downloaded in Amazon-670K and WikiLSHTC-325K.
The baseline is SLIDE. The source codes of TensorFlow-CPU and TensorFlow-GPU baselines can also be found from the same link.
The experiment environments in the paper are as follow:
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Compiler: nvcc 11.1
- GPU: 2080ti
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
- CMake:3.14 and above
- cuBLAS
- Thrust
- JsonCpp: we use it to parse the configuration json file.
Type the following commands to compile the project:
git clone https://github.com/PanZaifeng/G-SLIDE.git
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
Before running G-SLIDE, you should download the dataset of Amazon-670K and re-configure the amazon.json
properly. Note that there will be lots of information to be printed, so we recommend redirecting stdout when running.
./runme ./amazon.json > amazon.log