Description: A lite human computer interaction system, mainly dependent on you 'handler' in your webcam.
Author: Peng Zheng.
Progress Start Date Deadline Building basic video flow frame skeleton, including controller tracking, controller tailing... 5/9/2018 5/9/2018 Appending top menu. 5/10/2018 5/10/2018 Inserting real time image_style_transfer mode. 5/10/2018 5/11/2018 Implementing clothes region extraction for styleTransfer. 5/11/2018 5/12/2018 Implementing formula evaluation: integerate my own dataset for training Lenet to do single character recognition, split the handwritten expression, then evaluate it. 5/13/2018 5/14/2018 Finishing sunglasses wearing mode. 5/14/2018 5/15/2018 Refining my documents and improving the stability. 5/13/2018 ... Development SumUp 5/10/2018 5/15/2018 Substitude 'grabCut' for 'formula_evaluation' 6/6/2018 6/6/2018 AR mode 6/7/2018 6/7/2018
OpenCV==4.0.0-pre # With opencv-contrib
tensorflow-gpu==1.8.0 # CUDA=9, CUDNN=7
video mode setting: {
"display": Random colors, While ink would fade, like tails,
"styleTransfer": Stylize the whole input from webcam or only your clothes,
"grabCut": Move you from the whole scene to a new video,
"glass": Help you wear a pair of glasses,
"AR": Build a roof on the plane you choose,
Algorithms: Nothing is worth mention. I hoped to use hands as the controllers so that I can use the gestures to do many things. However, my little thinkpad with a Geforce 940m GPU doesn't approve of my suggestion..., and I bumped into the final controller idea in Adrian Rosebrock's blog.
Stylize image: Yes..., it's <<The Starry Night>> again(@...@)! Here she comes:
Algorithm: Clarification by the team of my roommates
Algorithms: HSL Color Space, Basic Morphology operations, etc.
Algorithms: Background Substraction (LSBP), HSL Color Space
Concerning my laptop thinkpad-t450 with i5-5200U and Geforce 940m... I used Lenet. to recognize each single character(coz this is only a very simple formula evaluation, I only took some basic operations into account.)The shuffled dataset consists of MNIST and handwrittenMathSymbol. BTW, if you're interested in recognizing a complex mathematic expression, take a look at the MathSymbol dataset, which is from a this kind of competition on Kaggle.The well-trained MobileNetV2:Then I just split the formula horizontally, just like what I did in the VehicleLicensePlateRecognition.Afterwards, recognize each single character.Finally, evaluate the stitched string.
Algorithm: grabCut.
Extension: Mask-RCNN
Algorithms: Haarcascade.
Modified from plane_ar sample in opencv
Algorithms: 3d_calibration.
- Use Openpose to estimate my poseture, especially the hands.
- Modify the roof in AR mode into a more general object, such as an image or a video.
- Yet, above all, get a fairly good computer with a camera.