
Qiniu sdk for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


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Qiniu sdk for Elixir

Installation and config

  • Add qiniu as dependence and application
# mix.exs
def application do
  [applications: [:qiniu]]

defp deps do
  [{:qiniu, "~> 0.3.0"}]

Then run $ mix deps.get

  • Config the Qiniu API keys
# config/prod.secret.exs (You'd better not add this file to git)
config :qiniu, Qiniu,
  access_key: "key",
  secret_key: "secret"



Get the token for uploading

policy = Qiniu.PutPolicy.build("scope")
uptoken = Qiniu.Auth.generate_uptoken(policy)

Upload a local file in server

put_policy = Qiniu.PutPolicy.build("books")
Qiniu.Uploader.upload put_policy, "~/cool.jpg", key: "cool.jpg"


Get the authorized download url

Qiniu.Auth.authorize_download_url(url, 3600)

See the doc for other features


There're many small features, implements of which are bothering. And some of them seem not very useful. So I don't plan to implement all of them until I find some useful. You can create issues when you need some features or just implement them by yourself.

  • Uploading
    • 直传文件(upload)
    • 创建块(mkblk)
    • 上传片(bput)
    • 创建文件(bput)
  • Resource management
    • 获取资源信息(stat)
    • 复制资源(copy)
    • 移动资源(move)
    • 删除资源(delete)
    • 批量操作(batch)
    • 列举资源(list)
    • 抓取资源(fetch)
    • 更新镜像资源(prefetch)
    • 修改元信息(chgm)
  • Data handling
    • Image
      • 图片基本信息(info)
      • 图片EXIF信息(exif)
      • 水印(watermark)
      • 图片主色调(avg_hue)
    • 资源下载二维码(qrcode)