🔥(CVPR 2023) ACR: Attention Collaboration-based Regressor for Arbitrary Two-Hand Reconstruction
- 1
How to understand the "pose" parameters in "results_dict" when running on a video
#30 opened by yangxiaoleyxl - 3
- 1
NameError: name 'INVALID_TRANS' is not defined
#15 opened by pinna526 - 2
How to get gt_segm?
#18 opened by luckyday2022 - 1
supplementary_material is not available
#12 opened by xungeer29 - 1
Parameters of 'kp3ds'
#19 opened by tkhkaeio - 3
- 1
Code release about the applications
#11 opened by HYLee1008 - 1
hello, can u release the train profile ?
#26 opened by Cantherine101424 - 0
parallel issue
#29 opened by sora158 - 0
offscreen render issue
#28 opened by sora158 - 1
code about applications
#13 opened by anhquannguyen21 - 1
Projecting 'j3d' onto image plane
#23 opened by thohemp - 0
About Parameter Size
#25 opened by Maradowei - 3
Training Code Release
#20 opened by jyunlee - 3
will the training code be released?
#14 opened by llj928842319 - 3
- 0
Running on edge device
#21 opened by osama-alam217 - 3
what about the inference spped
#8 opened by vicentowang - 4
Which joints is used to align ?
#17 opened by julyiii - 3
Questions about the table1 in your main paper?
#16 opened by julyiii - 3
3D joints ground truth used in evaluations?
#10 opened by julyiii - 1
Will training and eval code be released?
#9 opened by txytju - 7
Some questions...
#7 opened by haolyuan - 2
- 3
Extra data
#5 opened by adwardlee - 1
How to segment MANO hand
#3 opened by karta2155802 - 1
Training code release?
#4 opened by zc-alexfan - 2
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: active_context_2023-03-27_13_32_27.yaml'
#2 opened by miseon119 - 1
Code release
#1 opened by MooreManor