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Reference: Yu Y , Zhou K , Xu D , et al. Mesh editing with poisson-based gradient field manipulation[J]. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2004, 23(3):644.
- Win10
- VS2012 or higher version, X64
- OpenMesh
- OpenGL
- Eigen
- locate in: /MeshDeformation/MeshDeform/PoissonDeform/PoissonDeformation.cpp (calculate gradient and divergence)
- /MeshDeformation/Utility/MeshLaplacianSolver.cpp (build laplacian matrix)
The test model locate in "/test_model" directory, include the model and control points.
- 1)click 打开 button,select cuboid.obj in "/test_model"
- 2)click 泊松变形
- 3)click 导入边界 on the left pannel, select cuboid.txt in "/test_model"
- 4)select the bottom region of the cuboid,click 设定固定区域 on the left pannel
- 5)click 计算拉普拉斯矩阵 on the left pannel
- 6)provide 3 interactions:A. rotate with Y axis(mid button of mouse + Ctrl), B. rotate with X-axis(mid button of mouse + Shift) C. translate(Ctrl+ mid button of mouse)
- 7)click 泊松变形