
.NET Decompiler - with Mono decompilation changes from aerror2/ILSpy-For-MacOSX ---- No longer maintained, use https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy it is way better

Primary LanguageC#


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Visual Studio extension via VS Gallery

Decompiler NuGet package via NuGet

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ILSpy is distributed under the MIT License.

Included open-source libraries:

  • Mono.Cecil: MIT License (thanks to Jb Evain)
  • AvalonEdit: LGPL
  • SharpTreeView: LGPL
  • ICSharpCode.Decompiler: MIT License (developed as part of ILSpy)
  • Ricciolo.StylesExplorer: MS-PL (part of ILSpy.BamlDecompiler.Plugin)