
1112 Distributed System final project of team10. Further information were documented in /docs/team10-final_project.pptx.

Project structure

We have put the source code in /source directory, including three main parts of this project, /frontend, /etcd_middleware and /host_data_engine.


組員 系級 學號
陳偉瑄 資專碩二 110971020
陳亮酉 資科碩二智計組 110753209
蕭喬宇 資科碩一智計組 111753203
李尚霖 資科碩一一般組 111753165
王奕凱 資科碩一一般組 111753169
高語謙 資科碩一一般組 111753130
程至榮 資科碩一一般組 111753151
林政委 資科碩一一般組 111753138