“想优雅地写程序,赶紧Go!” GoLearning


Golang(Go语言)是一种由Google开发的现代编程语言,于2009年首次发布。其具有高效的编译速度、并发编程支持和强大的性能等特点,逐渐在云计算、分布式系统、网络服务等领域得到广泛应用。随着互联网技术的迅速发展,对高性能网络通信的需求也越来越迫切,因此研究Golang在网络通信中的应用潜力具有重要意义。 Golang (Go language) is a modern programming language developed by Google and first released in 2009. It features fast compilation speed, support for concurrent programming, and strong performance, making it increasingly popular in fields such as cloud computing, distributed systems, and network services. With the rapid development of internet technology, the demand for high-performance network communication has become more urgent. Therefore, researching the potential of using Golang in network communication is of significant importance.


Golang(Go语言)是一种支持高并发编程的编程语言。它内置了轻量级的并发原语,例如goroutine和channel,以及基于CSP(通信顺序进程)模型的并发编程模型。Golang的并发能力使得开发者可以通过轻量级的线程(goroutine)在单个进程中同时执行多个任务,而无需依赖于传统的线程和锁的复杂管理。这使得Golang在处理大量并发请求、构建高性能网络应用和处理大规模数据处理等场景下表现优异。 Golang (Go language) is a programming language that supports concurrent programming. It has built-in lightweight concurrency primitives, such as goroutines and channels, as well as a concurrent programming model based on the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) model. The concurrency capability of Golang allows developers to execute multiple tasks concurrently within a single process using lightweight threads (goroutines) without the need for complex management of traditional threads and locks. This makes Golang excel in scenarios that require handling a large number of concurrent requests, building high-performance network applications, and processing large-scale data.