
Project Title - BUDDY

Team Memebers
  • Ramya Devie Saravana bhava - 002770163
  • Disha Sunil Patil - 002768900
  • Jiale Lyu - 002722692
  • Zhifei Li - 002708724
Project Description This website is expense tracker platform, which allows the user to add and manage their expenses under various categories such as food,selfcare,entertainment,housing,medical,travel,savings,etc. It allows the user to set the budget limit on each of the categories in a month. Once the user exceeds the budget limit, automated warning email will be sent to the user. Also the user will be able to track their expenses in various categories in a month through our pie and bar charts provided. Our application helps the user to track their expenses and help them to stay within their budget limit which increases the savings.
User requirement
  • User registration and login
  • User can do CRUD (create/read/update/delete) operations in expense event
  • User can set budget limits on categories and when they exceed the limit a warning notification will be sent to user email
  • User can create shopping checklist and mark the item as complete
  • System generates statistic charts and graphs (based on categories)
Domain Model

Domain Model