Bayesian Optimization over Mixed Type Inputs with Encoding Method

  • Target mean encoding BO (TmBO) transfers each value of a categorical input based on the outputs corresponding to this value.
  • Aggregate encoding BO AggBO encodes multiple choices of a categorical input through several distinct ranks.
  • Different from the prominent one-hot encoding, both approaches transfer each categorical input into exactly one numerical input and thus avoid severely increasing the dimension of the input space.
  • For more details on the method, please read our paper Bayesian Optimization over Mixed Type Inputs with Encoding Method.

Target encoding & Ordinal encoding



  • category_encoders
  • GPy
  • GPyOpt
  • hyperopt
  • pytorch
  • sklearn


  1. Run Encoding-BO experiments: python followed by the following flags:
  • save_result: True/False
  • encoder: In ["Ordinal", "Aggregate", "RandomOrder", "TargetMean", "Onehot"]
  • num_sampling: The number of inital data
  • budget: Max Optimisation iterations
  • max_trial: Max Optimisation trials (different initial data)
  • obj_func: Objective function
  1. Run CoCaBO/TPE/SMAC experiments in this repository:
  • set select_method = 'CoCaBO'/TPE/SMAC
  1. Data storage:
  • Encoding_BO\experiment\data\init_data # initial data
  • Encoding_BO\experiment\data\result_data # result data
  • Encoding_BO\experiment\data\design_data # design data, Discretization evaluation for acquisition function