Restaurant Service System

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This project implements a basic restaurant service system using Go, Gin framework for the web server, PostgreSQL for the database, and Redis for session management and caching. It provides functionalities like user authentication, session management, menu browsing, and order submission. index page

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow the steps below:


  • Go 1.19.3 darwin/amd64
  • PostgreSQL 11
  • Redis
  • A proper Go workspace set up


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Load environment variables:

The project uses for loading environment variables. Make sure to create a .env file at the root of your project and define your PostgreSQL and Redis configurations:

  1. Install Go dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the required Go modules:
go mod tidy
  1. Database Migrations: The project uses GORM for database operations. Run migrations to set up your database schema:
go run migrations/migrate.go

This will create the necessary tables in your PostgreSQL database. 5. Running the server: To start the server, run:

go run main.go

This will start the Gin web server on port 8080.

System Architecture

System Architecture


  1. PostgreSQL postgresql

  2. Redis redis


Once the server is running, you can access the following endpoints:

/ - Homepage
/menu - Displays the menu (authentication required)
/order - Page to submit a new order (authentication required)
/submit-order - Endpoint to submit a new order (authentication required)
/auth/getlogin - Login page
/auth/signup - Signup page
/auth/login - Endpoint for user login
/auth/logout - Endpoint for user logout
/auth/signup - Endpoint for user signup


The project uses sessions for authentication. A user needs to sign up and log in to access protected routes like viewing the menu and submitting orders. Login Authentication Signup Authentication

func (sc *SessionController) AuthRequired() gin.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c *gin.Context) {
		session := sessions.Default(c)
		user := session.Get(userkey)
		if user == nil {
			log.Println("User is not logged in, redirected to login page")
			c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/auth/getlogin")

		log.Println("The user is logged in, continue processing the request")

Session Management

Redis is used for storing session data, providing fast access and management of session information across requests.

Static Files and Templates

The project serves static files and HTML templates for the frontend. The templates are located in the ./templates directory, and static files (e.g., CSS, JavaScript) are served from the ./static directory.


Logging is commented out in the main.go file but can be easily enabled by uncommenting the setupLogging function and its call. This function configures Gin to log to both a file and stdout.

Technologies Used

  • Go - The main programming language used.
  • Gin - HTTP web framework.
  • PostgreSQL - Open source relational database.
  • Redis - In-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • GORM - ORM library for Golang.


Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests to contribute to the project.